Here is how you can share your “Single user” BSNL broadband connection to as many PCs you have. Also this work around is for educational purpose. I take no responsibility for the resulting stuff. Do at your own risk!
First of all log in to SmartAX MT880 admin panel by typing admin/admin user/pass combination. You can access the admin panel by typing
Then on left menu:
In DHCP settings, enable DHCP.
Set the ending IP address according to number of PCs you want to connect. For example if you have 100 PCs, set starting from to ( In this figure, I have randomly set 33 just for phun! )
For doing server client configuration.
Next thing you have do is changing TCP/IP settings. Go to control panel -> network settings. right click your nic and change tcp/IP properties.
First remove the Ip settings done by bsnl guys to as in this figure. ( note the greyed out section, which is set in advanced button )
Then in advanced section add default gateway as
Now share this connection from network setting of this nic. by checking “allow other users in my network…blah..”
This makes your other lan card to be set with default as IP, which is the default when doing connection sharing.
You are done with network server now.
Now you have to configure every client machine. Just go to network setting and in TCP/IP settings of each nic, set the following stuff.
Update #1
Just discovered some people are using a new DNS server for fast response. Here is the IP.
Add this IP as preffered DNS server.
Update #2
Use open DNS as your DNS serverI found this better than any other DNS servers available.
Do this to as many client machines you have.
DHCP will take care of rest. Each of client machines will be gettin an IP in range of 192.168.0.x.
If this doesn’t work for you, then add your server’s Nic’s IP as default gateway in advanced section. Normally for connection sharing it will be “
Connection Sharing Using Switch
In this case everything is very easy. You only need to plug-in your modem connection to switch. Then set all PCs to obtain Ips automatically. You are done!
You have successfully managed to do the work around!